After playing around with server side development (see my posts about it: post1, post2 and post3) I feel like I could develop back-end if I really needed to. Of course it would take a lot of time and I’d be googling a lot, but at least back-end development is not a mystery for me anymore. But there is one piece of knowledge regarding back-end development that I lack: I don’t know how to deploy my application to the production server.
So, I decided to address this issue, and rented a VDS (virtual dedicated server). I’m going to use it for my experiments and eventually for hosting back-ends of my future apps.
My goals are:
- Install Tomcat
- Install MySQL
- Deploy some Java application to the server.
- Learn how to use the server for sending Apple Push Notifications.
Here is what I have done already. I started reading about how to install Tomcat and found out that I should install Java first. And even before that I needed to create a sudo user.
Lets go step by step and see what I did.
Creating sudo user
After the purchase of VDS my hosting provider sent me the IP address of my server and the password of root user. I logged in to the server via SSH.
local$ ssh root@server_ip_address
It is a good practice to not connect to the server as a root user. So I created another user.
# adduser karen
And set his password
# passwd karen
Then I added this new user to the wheel group to make him a sudo user.
# usermod -aG wheel karen
Then I switched to the new user account
# su – karen
Then I verified that I could use sudo
karen$ sudo ls -la /root
This command just lists the contents of /root folder which is normally only accessible by the root user.
I used this article as a reference.
Installing Java
Installing Java was easy. I did it with this one command:
sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
I verified that Java installed correctly with this command:
java -version
This article helped me.
To be continued.
In the next post I will tell you how I installed Tomcat on my production server.