3Do – Simple Triple To-Do List

This app is a simple to-do list. It is really simple. Basically you have three lists. They are called Today, This week, and Later. You start with the Later list. Put as many tasks and goals in it as you can think of. Then what you do is this:

Once every week before your week starts you look at that list and find tasks that you want to do this week and move them to the This week list. Likewise you take a look at your This week list once every day and move some tasks to the Today list. Once you’ve completed a task in the Today list you hit the Done button and that task goes into the Archive. You can delete it from the Archive later or restore it back to the Today list if you need to.

The app is intentionally simple. There is not even a calendar in it.

App features:

  • 3 lists of tasks (Today, This week, Later)
  • move tasks between the lists freely
  • reorder tasks in any list
  • move completed tasks from the Today list into the Archive
  • restore tasks from Archive or delete them completely if needed
  • iCloud sync